Medical and professional help

Medications and professional help.

Major depressive disorder is very serious and shouldnt be taking lightly. So if you are experiencing syptoms and feelings like increase in fatigue,decreased self image,deep and dark thoughts,felling useless,feeling very lonely, decrease in hunger or losing weight to fast, and thoughts of self harm you should seek professional help imediately. It is best to go to your doctor or book an appointment with an physcologist. Note doctors and mental health workers are only there to help you or your relative or friend they will not hurt you. The most common prescriptions given out are antidepresants such as Celexa, Lexapro, Luvox, and zoloft. These medications work by trying to decrease the nuero chemicals that are making you feel the way you do. Like with any medication there will be side effects though. The side effects usually aren't bad and they are simple things such as increased fatigue or they can make you not want to eat as much. Seeing someone is also recommended. There are many professionals who's purpose is to help people who struggle with the disease. They are there to help you express your feelings and be a helping hand. I speak from personal experience getting a therapist or counselor or physcologist can greatly help you feel better. It make take time at first because most people keep things and emotions bottled up inside but with time and building a good relationship with them can ease some of the pain of it all.