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How to help if an loved one is experiencing depression.

Depression can be hard and extremely tough to deal with that is why it important that if you are related to an person with depression then your job is to try your best to help and try to get through it with them.. Emotional support is a huge key to trying to overcome the demon of depression. Partaking in social activities with the loved one can help. Giving them comfort and an outlet to talk to is also important. The most crucial mistake people make when trying to help is that they push to hard. Yes if they are going through depression they need you to be there but make sure not to push. Being to pushy and forceful can lead to more stress and anxiety causing the situation to worsen. So your best bet is to just be there for them and care for them. Being to pushy is bad but also make sure that yor not seperated the space could result in the person sinking further into the whole. Yes it can be very confusing to grasp at first but you will eventually get the hang of it.